
Showing posts from October 29, 2017


(A Spiritual adjournments) A male given name, borne by numerous saints and 13 popes. It was first being practiced by Jesus Christ and the twelve Apostles at Roma' LEO is a spiritual adjournment used by a spiritual Leaders, Elders,Rev . Fathers ,Popes, and Pastors MESSAGES According to the bible and Christain doctrine, LEO is being used to maintain LOVE and unity between pair Group or organization, it is being used in Churches, Mosques and compounds, Leo can also be used for evil practices if you didn't know who Leo or pair you together with the group mostly for evil compounds and some houses, it is better you related or make friends with those you know very well and can add value to your life. I can recall when I first relocated to Lagos after my NYSC, the first house I parked in at Tajudeen street Military Zone bus stop Ejigbo Lagos, 2011. I learn a lot at that house, that is having a lot of bad experiences both nights and day to the extend of leaving...